5 Hidden Dangers Of Dirty Upholstery That You Must Know

Your couches and carpets are a wonderful asset to your home. They make your space cosier and more inviting. However, they may harbour allergens and bacteria with constant use and can also disseminate to other areas of your house. In addition to that, they also experience a lot of wear and tear and ultimately start... Continue Reading →

7 Best Ways to Remove Pigeon Droppings

Pigeons are everywhere in the city. You can hear and see them cooing under the trees, bridges, cars and worst of them - ceiling or balconies. Though these are beautiful creatures, their droppings can be hazardous, filthy and stinky. Their droppings are responsible for several allergies and diseases. Plus, who wants their home or workplace... Continue Reading →

How to Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles?

Your beautiful carpets may be hosting the potentially damaging bugs, insects and beetles that may feast on the carpet fibres and lay eggs too. Carpet beetles damage the carpets and cause patches of fibre to vanish in thin air, making them look non-aesthetic and unhygienic. Carpet beetles need immediate attention from the carpet cleaning expert... Continue Reading →

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